Friday, November 21, 2008

Overheard at Work #1

With all the new technology that's become indispensable in the last few years, is it ironic that over mobile internet and GPS, the item I really wish I had with me all the time is a simple tape recorder? Probably. But, strange as it may be, I would love the ability to capture snippets of life and the conversations around me and save them somehow, before they give way to more mundane daily tasks and are forgotten. Sometimes they're interesting insights, sometimes they're issues or ideas I want to look into more, and sometimes they're just plain funny.

But barring a trek out to the nearest electronics store to track down a tape recorder (do they even make them anymore?), the next best solution may be to record them here. So, here goes:

Overheard at Work #1: "So does the rest of Massachusetts not have an accent then?"

I definitely giggled.